Tallentex Syllabus 2023 Class 5th to 11th , Tallentex Exam Pattern 2023
TALLENTEX is a talent search examination conducted by ALLEN Career Institute, which is one of the best coaching institutes for preparation of medical and engineering entrance examinations like NEET and JEE. TALLENTEX is conducted for students studying in classes 5 to 11.By qualifying TALLENTEX examination students can scholarship for classroom courses of Allen Career Institute and also win cash rewards. Here in this post you will get full details of Tallentex Syllabus from class 5th to class 11th.
Key features of TALLENTEX exam
- Objective: TALLENTEX is an objective-type exam designed to assess a student’s knowledge, understanding, and problem-solving abilities in subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics.
- Eligibility: Students studying in classes 5 to 10 are eligible to participate in the TALLENTEX exam.
- Examination Levels: TALLENTEX is conducted at multiple levels, categorized based on the class in which the student is currently studying.
- Prizes and Scholarships: Top-performing students in TALLENTEX are awarded prizes and scholarships, which may include cash rewards, fee waivers for ALLEN Career Institute’s courses, and other educational benefits.
- Practice Material: ALLEN provides study material and sample papers to help students prepare for the TALLENTEX exam.
- Offline and Online Mode: TALLENTEX scholarship exam for this year will be organised in both Online and offline mode at different examination centres.
Also Read : Tallentex Exam 2024
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Also Read : UNSAT Scholarship Test Unacademy
Tallentex Syllabus Class 5
Physics | Chemistry | Biology | Mathematics | IQ ( Mental Ability ) |
1. Measurement 2. Nature Resources and Calamities 3. Our planet earth 4. Work, Force, Energy | 1. Matter and Material 2. Rocks and Minerals 3. Solid, Liquid and Gas 4. Weather and Water | 1. Adaptation in animals 2. Adaptation in Plants 3. Food and Digestion 4. Food production in Plants 5. Growing Plants 6. Human body and health 7. Reproduction in Animals and Plants | 1.Area and its boundary 2. Factors and Multiples 3. Measurement 4. Number sense, Numeral and Number Name 5. Shapes and Angles 6. Patterns 7. Data Handling 8. Geometry-Shapes and spatial understanding | 1. Alphabet test 2. Classification 3. Coding-Decoding 4. Direction sense 5. Mirror Image 6. Number Ranking 7. Number series 8. Series 9. Venn – Diagram 10. Water Image |
Pattern of Questions
80 Objective Type Questions
MCQs of 4 choices (single correct answer)
Marking Scheme
+4 for correct answer
(No Negative Marking for wrong answer)
Question Distribution
Physics: 11, Chemistry: 11, Biology: 11,
Maths: 25, IQ: 22
Medium & Duration of Exam
Medium : English Only
Duration : 2 Hours.
It is Compulsory to take seat in exam hall at least 30 minutes before test to fill OMR.
Tallentex Syllabus Class 6
Physics | Chemistry | Biology | Mathematics | IQ ( Mental Ability ) |
1. Earth and Universe 2. Force and Energy 3. Light, Shadow & Reflection 4. Motion and Measurement of distance | 1. Natural Resources 2. Solid, Liquid & Gas 3. Separation and Substances 4. Fiber to Fabric 5. Sorting Material into groups | 1. Animals and plant life 2. The ecosystem 3. Human body and Health 4. Food and Nutrition | 1. Decimals 2. Multiplication and Division 3. Pictorial Representation of Data 4. Area and its Boundary 5. Basic geometrical ideas 6. Fractions 7. Integers 8. Measurement 9. Playing with numbers 10. Ratio and Proportion 11. Practical Geometry 12. Symmetry | 1. Alphabet test 2. Coding – Decoding 3. Direction sense 4. Mirror Image 5. Series 6. Sitting Arrangement 7. Venn – Diagram 8. Water Image |
Pattern of Questions
80 Objective Type Questions
MCQs of 4 choices (single correct answer)
Marking Scheme
+4 for correct answer
(No Negative Marking for wrong answer)
Question Distribution
Physics: 11, Chemistry: 11, Biology: 11,
Maths: 25, IQ: 22
Medium & Duration of Exam
Medium : English Only
Duration : 2 Hours.
Tallentex Syllabus Class 7
Physics | Chemistry | Biology | Mathematics | IQ ( Mental Ability ) |
1. Fun with Magnets 2. Light , Shadow & Reflection 3. Motion and Measurement of distance Electricity and Circuits 4. Heat and Temperature 5. Wind, Storm and Cyclones | 1. Changes around us 2. Water and air 3. Acid, Bases and Salts 4. Animal Fiber | 1. Body Movement 2. Garbage in Garbage out 3. Getting to know about plants 4. The living organisms and their surroundings 5. Nutrition in plants and Animal 6. Weather, Climate and Adaptation of animals | 1. Mensuration (Std – VI) 2. Data Handling 3. Integers 4. Lines and Angles (Std – VI) 5. Simple Equation Exponents and Powers 6. Fraction and Decimals 7. Algebraic Expressions 8. Mensuration (Std – VII) 9. Ratio and Proportion 10. Rational Numbers 11. Lines and Angles (Std – VII ) 12. Triangles and Congruence of Triangles 13. Comparing Quantities (Std – VII) | 1. Alphabet test 2. Classification 3. Coding – Decoding 4. Direction sense 5. Embedded Figure 6. Mathematical Operation 7. Mirror Image 8. Number Ranking 9. Number Series 10. Venn – Diagram 11. Water Image |
Pattern of Questions
80 Objective Type Questions
MCQs of 4 choices (single correct answer)
Marking Scheme
+4 for correct answer
(No Negative Marking for wrong answer)
Question Distribution
Physics: 11, Chemistry: 11, Biology: 11,
Maths: 25, IQ: 22
Medium & Duration of Exam
Medium : English Only
Duration : 2 Hours.
Tallentex Syllabus Class 8
Physics | Chemistry | Biology | Mathematics | IQ ( Mental Ability ) |
1. Electric current and its effect 2. Motion and time 3. Heat and Temperature 4. Light 5. Force and Pressure 6. Sound 7. Chemical Effect of current | 1. Physical and Chemical changes 2. Water 3. Synthetic Fiber and Plastic 4. Metal and Non Metal | 1. Respiration in Organism 2. Transportation in Plants and Animals 3. Forest – Our life line 4. Micro Organism 5. Cell Structure and function 6. Crop production and management | 1. Congruence of Triangles 2. Fractions and Decimals 3. Integers 4. Linear Equations in one Variable (Std – VII) 5. Perimeter and Area 6. Practical Geometry 7. Visualizing solid shapes 8. Linear Equations in one Variable (Std – VIII) 9. Cubes and Cube Roots 10. Exponents and Powers 11. Rational Numbers 12. Square and Square Roots 12. Understanding Quadrilaterals | 1. Blood Relation 2. Coding – Decoding 3. Counting in Figure 4. Cubes and Dice 5. Direction Sense 6. Embedded Figures 7. Insert the Missing Character 8. Mathematical Operation 9. Mirror Image 10. Nonverbal Series 11. Number 12. Ranking Series 13. Venn – Diagram 14. Water Image |
Pattern of Questions
80 Objective Type Questions
MCQs of 4 choices (single correct answer)
Marking Scheme
+4 for correct answer & -1 for wrong
answer (Negative Marking)
Question Distribution
Physics: 15, Chemistry: 15, Biology: 15,
Maths: 15, IQ: 20
Medium & Duration of Exam
Medium : English Only
Duration : 2 Hours.
It is Compulsory to take seat in exam hall at least 30 minutes before test to fill OMR.
Tallentex Syllabus Class 9
Physics | Chemistry | Biology | Mathematics | IQ ( Mental Ability ) |
1. Light 2. Natural Phenomenon 3. Stars and Solar System 4. Motion 5. Force and NLM 6. Gravitation | 1. Combustion and Flame 2. Fossil Fuels (Coal, Petroleum and Natural Gas) 3. Pollution of Air 4. Is Matter Around us Pure 5. Matter in our surroundings | 1. Conservation of Plants and Animals 2. Crop Production and Management 3. Micro Organism : Friend and Foe 4. Reproduction and Reaching the age of adolescence 5. Food production and Management 6. Cell Structure and Function 7. Tissue | 1. Algebraic Expression & Identities 2. Comparing Quantity 3. Cube and Cube Root 4. Direct and Inverse Proportions 5. Exponents and Power 6. Mensuration 7. Square and Square Roots 8. Understanding Quadrilaterals 9. Factorization 10. Co-ordinate Geometry 11. Number System 12. Polynomial 13. Linear Equation in one Variable 14. Lines, Angles and Triangles | 1. Blood Relation 2. Coding – Decoding 3. Counting in Figure 4. Cubes and Dice 5. Direction Sense 6. Embedded Figures 7. Insert the Missing Character 8. Letter Series 9. Mathematical Operation 10. Mirror Image 11. Nonverbal Series 12. Number Ranking 13. Number Series 14. Venn – Diagram 15. Water Image |
Pattern of Questions
80 Objective Type Questions
MCQs of 4 choices (single correct answer)
Marking Scheme
+4 for correct answer & -1 for wrong
answer (Negative Marking)
Also Read : UNSAT Scholarship Test Unacademy
Question Distribution
Physics: 15, Chemistry: 15, Biology: 15,
Maths: 15, IQ: 20
Medium & Duration of Exam
Medium : English Only
Duration : 2 Hours.
Tallentex Syllabus Class 10
Physics | Chemistry | Biology | Mathematics | IQ ( Mental Ability ) |
1. Motion 2. Force 3. Gravitation 4. Sound 5. Work Power and Energy 6. Reflection of light 7. Refraction of light 8. Human Eye | 1. Atomic Structure 2. Atoms and Molecules 3. Acid Bases, Salts 4. Chemical Reaction 5. Metals and Non-Metals | 1. Diversity in living organism 2. Natural Resources 3. Why do we fall ill 4. Nutrition 5. Excretion 6. Respiration 7. Transportation in Animal 8. Transportation in Plants | 1. Polynomial (std-IX) 2. Circles (std-IX) 3. Heron’s Formula 4. Statistics 5. Surface area and Volumes 6. Lines, Angles, Triangles-Congruency & similarity of triangles and Quadrilaterals 7. Number System 8. Co-ordinate Geometry 9. Polynomial (std-X) 10. Introduction to Trigonometry 11. Linear Equation in Two Variables 12. Probability 13. Comparing Quantities | 1. Blood Relation 2. Calendar 3. Clock 4. Coding and Decoding 5. Counting Figure 6. Cubes and Dice 7. Direction Sense 8. Embedded Figure 9. Mathematical Operation 10. Missing Character 11. Non-verbal Analogy 12. Non-verbal Series 13. Number Ranking 14. Puzzle Test 15. Sitting Arrangement 16. Syllogism |
Pattern of Questions
80 Objective Type Questions
MCQs of 4 choices (single correct answer)
Marking Scheme
+4 for correct answer & -1 for wrong
answer (Negative Marking)
Question Distribution
Physics: 15, Chemistry: 15, Biology: 15,
Maths: 15, IQ: 20
Medium & Duration of Exam
Medium : English Only
Duration : 2 Hours.
It is Compulsory to take seat in exam hall at least 30 minutes before test to fill OMR.
Tallentex Syllabus from class 5th to class 10th is given in this psot with exam patterns of every classes. Tallentex Syllabus help students to do their preparation properly for the Tallenetx exam 2023 for admission to next class in 2024. You have to read Tallentex Syllabus carefully and do your preparation according to this syllabus. Tallentex Syllabus given in this post is the official syllabus released by Allen Career Institute Kota.
If you will give examination for class 5th of Tallentex in 2023 you will get scholarship for admission in class 6th in 2024 and if you give examination of class 10th for tallentex in 2023 you will get scholarship for admission in class 11th in 2024. That means you have to fill the form of your current class in which you are studying right now and then you will get scholarship for mext class in next year. I hope you understand this because many students are confused during form filling about class selection.
Also Read : UNSAT Scholarship Test Unacademy
For more information about tallentex examination you visit their official website i.e, tallentex.com
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