CHS Entrance Exam 2024 Syllabus Class 6 is given in this post which help students for preparation of CHS SET examination.
CHS or Central Hindu School was established in 1898 by Dr. Annie Besant in Varanasi to enhance the education system in Inidia but that time this school is known as Central Hindu College. This school was later dedicated to Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya, who established the Banaras Hindu University in 1916 and is now one of the top university in India. After that Central Hindu School is administrated by Banaras Hindu University. Till now Central Hindu School is giving education to thousands of students every year and is one of the best institution in India.
Central Hindu School administrated by the Banaras Hindu University Varanasi. Central Hindu School has of two main branches one for girls that is Central Hindu Girls’ School and the other is for boys that is Central Hindu Boys’ School. Admission of students in both of these schools is done through a entrance test that is SET ( School Entrance Test). Selection of students in Central Hindu Boys or Girls School is done on the basis of marks aquired in SET examination. SET examination in BHU is done for admission in Class 6th, 9th and 11th.
CHS Entrance Exam 2024 Syllabus Class 6
CHS Entrance Exam class 6 is held for admission in class 6 for Central Hindu Boys School and Central Hindu Girls School in which quetions are asked from class 5th. Here you is CHS Entrance Exam Syllabus Class 6 is described according to subject and topics of every subject which will asked in CHS SET examination.
Also Read : CHS School Fees
CHS Entrance Exam 2024 Syllabus Class 6 Mathematics
- Number System संख्या पद्धति
- Place Value and Face Value स्थानीय मूल्य और अंकित मूल्य
- Smallest and Greatest Numbers सबसे छोटी और सबसे बड़ी संख्या
- Roman Numerals रोमन संख्यांक
- Fractions भिन्न
- Decimals दशमलव
- Divisibility Rule विभाज्यता के नियम
- Factors and Multiples गुणक और गुणज
- Simplification सरलीकरण
- LCM AND HCF ल.स. और म.स.
- Conversion परिवर्तन
- Unitary Method ऐकिक नियम
- Percentage प्रतिशत
- Profit and Loss लाभ और हानि
- Distance and Time समय और दूरी
- Lines and Angles रेखाएं और कोण
- Supplementary and Complementary Angles पूरक और संपूरक कोण
- Triangles त्रिभुज
- Quadrilaterals चतुर्भुज
- Circles वृत्त
- Volume आयतन
- Cubes and Cuboids घन और घनाभ
- Clock घड़ी
- Ratio and proportion अनुपात एवं समानुपात
- Simple Interest साधारण ब्याज
- Average औसत
CHS Entrance Exam Syllabus Class 6 SCIENCE
- Living and nonliving things
- जीवित और निर्जीव चीजें
- Reproduction in Animals
- जानवरों में प्रजनन
- Human Body
- मानव शरीर
- Food
- भोजन
- Health and Hygiene
- स्वास्थ्य और सफ़ाई
- Safety and First Aid
- सुरक्षा और प्राथमिक चिकित्सा
- Our Environment
- हमारा पर्यावरण
- Air
- वायु
- Water and its conservation
- जल और उसका संरक्षण
- Our Universe
- हमारा ब्रह्मांड
- Rocks and minerals
- चट्टानें और खनिज
- Matter
- द्रव्य
- Disease and Deficiency
- रोग और कमी
- Machine
- सरल यंत्र
- Vitamins and their Sources
- विटामिन और उनके स्रोत
- Disease and their Causes
- रोग और उनके कारण
- Symbols of Elements
- तत्वों के प्रतीक
Chs syllabus class 6 HINDI
- वर्ण विचार
- संज्ञा
- सर्वनाम
- विशेषण
- क्रिया विशेषण
- कारक
- शब्द शुद्धिकरण
- वाक्य शुद्धिकरण
- समास
- संधि
- पर्यायवाची
- अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द
- भाषा और लिपि
- महाभारत और रामायण
- स्त्रीलिंग और पुल्लिंग
- विलोम शब्द
- मुहावरे
- रचना और रचनाकार
- तत्सम और तद्भव शब्द
- कहानी , पात्र और लेखक
- उपसर्ग और प्रत्यय
Chs syllabus class 6 English
- Parts of Speech
- Animals and their babies
- Singular and plural
- Masculine and feminine Gender
- Articles
- Verb form
- Spelling correction
- Sentence correction
- Sentence
- Tense
- Opposite words
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- One word for many
- Groups
- Idioms and phrases
Chs syllabus class 6 General Studies
- National (birds,animals,rivers etc. Of India)
- भारत के राष्ट्रीय (पक्षी, पशु, नदियाँ आदि)
- Holy books and Authors
- पवित्र पुस्तकें और लेखक
- Awards and their fields
- पुरस्कार और उनके क्षेत्र
- States and union Territories and their Capitals
- राज्य और केंद्र शासित प्रदेश और उनकी राजधानियाँ
- Smallest, Largest,longest, Biggest in India and World
- भारत और दुनिया में सबसे छोटा, सबसे बड़ा, सबसे लंबा, सबसे बड़ा
- First in India
- भारत में प्रथम
- Country and their Capitals
- देश और उनकी राजधानियाँ
- Country and Currency
- देश और मुद्रा
- National parks of India
- भारत के राष्ट्रीय उद्यान
- Inventions and discoveries
- आविष्कार और खोज
- Full Forms
- Language and Script
- भाषा और लिपि
- International Organisations and their Headquarters
- अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संगठन और उनके मुख्यालय
- Foundeders
- संस्थापक
- Movements
- आंदोलन
- Dams in India
- भारत में बांध
- Nicknames
- उपनाम
- Dances of States
- राज्यों के नृत्य
- Soils and Crops
- मिट्टी और फसलें
- Important Days
- महत्वपूर्ण दिन
- Slogans
- नारे
- Arts and Artists
- कला और कलाकार
- States and Festivals
- राज्य और त्यौहार
- About Planets
- ग्रहों के बारे में
- About continents
- महाद्वीपों के बारे में
CHS Entrance Exam Syllabus Class 6 is given in both Hindi and English. You can prepare for chs entrance class 6 according to this syllabus.
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