CHS Final Answer Key 2023 : Check out the final Answer of CHS 2023

CHS Final Answer Key 2023

CHS Final Answer Key 2023 has been released by Banaras Hindu University on their official website.Students can match their answers of chs entrance exam class 9th and class 11th with the final answer key released by Banaras Hindu University.

Previously provisional answer key was released by Banaras Hindu University on 10th May 2023 on their official website and students had to challenge the wrong answers till 12th May 2023, after that final answer key is released on the official website.

The final answer key for chs entrance exam 2023 for class 9th and class 11th is available on the official website of Banaras Hindu UNiversity that is according to classes and streams.You can simply click on the class or stream in which you had given the entrance exam and the PDF of answer key will be automatically download and then you can see answer key in the pdf according to set and you can match your answers from official answer key.

CHS Result 2023

CHS entrance exam result will be shown on the official website of Banaras Hindu University that is . Students can check their result on Banaras Hindu University’s official website by visiting School Admission section on their website. Chs entrance exam result will be available after one month of entrance exam. While tentative date for CHS SET result is 05 June 2023.

CHS Entrance Exam 2023

CHS entrance exam 2023 was held in the month of April 2023 for different classes in varanasi at different exams centres in the city.Chs entrance exam for class 9th was held on 26th April 2023 while entrance exam for class 11th was held on different dates for different streams.Mathematics stream exam was held on 27th April, Biology stream’s exam held on 28th April, Arts stream exam was held on 29th April and Commerce stream’s exam was held on 30th April 2023.All the entrance exams of class 9th class 11th was held in the morning from 8:00 am to 10:00 am.While class 6th entrance exam was cancelled and students of class 6th was selected on the basis of E lottery process.

Total 100 multiple choices questions were asked in both classes and in all streams.And total maximum marks for chs entrance exam is 100 and thee is no any negative marking.For every correct answers students will fet 1 marks and there is no any marks deduction for wrong answers.

CHS Entrance Exam Pattern

  1. The question paper contains total 100 questions nd each queastion carry on marks.
  2. All the questions are of Multiple Choice questions
  3. The Entrance exam was held in offline mode
  4. Only ball pens were allowed in the exam hall
  5. Candidates had to circle their answers on the OMR answer sheet.

Chs Admission Process 2023 : For the session 2023-24, the enrollment of class 9 and class 11th candidates in Central Hindu Girls School and Central Hindu Boys School run by Kashi Hindu University, is done through School Entrance examination. While Class 6th students are selected through E Lottery process which was held in Banaras Hindu University. This was the decision of Kashi Hindu University school board administration which organises chs School Entrance Test(SET). Information related to the selection process has been given on

The following reservations will be given for admission against the seats available in various classes
after the admission of internal students:-

  • 15% seats are reserved for Scheduled Caste (SC) candidates.
  • 7.5% seats are reserved for Scheduled Tribe (ST) candidates.
  • 27% seats are reserved for Other Backward Class- Non Creamy Layer (OBC-NCL) candidates.
  • 10% seats are reserved for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) candidates.

CHS also known as Central Hindu School is a integral part of Banaras Hindu University, which is situated in holy city Varanasi. Central Hindu School was previosly known as Central Hindu College, which was founded by Dr. Annie Besant in 1898 in kamachha Varanasi. CHS itself has two branches one for boys and other for girls.Central Hindu School for boys is known as Central Hindu Boys School which in Kamachha Varanasi and for girls is Known as Central Hindu Girls School which is in Gurubagh Varanasi.Both of these boys and girls schools are situated at a distance of less than 500 metres.Central Hindu Boys School has a total capacity of 2000 students from class 6th to 12th.

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