CHS Previous Year Question Paper 2017 : Questions asked in CHS BHU SET Examination of class 9 in 2017 were given in this article. If you are going to appear in the CHS Entrance Exam for class 9 then you should go through this previous year question paper of class 9.
Questions in the CHS Entrance exam is based on the pattern of previous year questions. After solving the CHS Previous Year Question Paper 2017 you can understand the types and pattern of questions asked in the examination and you can do your preparations according to the questions asked in previous examinations.
CHS SET Examination
CHS SET(School Entrance Test) Examination is a school entrance test organised by Banaras Hindu University for admission in their schools like Central Hindu Girls School and Central Hindu Boys School in class 6, 9 and 11th. Students can apply online for CHS Application form which is released on the official website of BHU that is
Application form for CHS BHU will be available on the official website in the month of February or March and examinations will be held in the April and result is released in June and then further admission processes will be organised in the schools.
CHS Previous Year Question Paper 2017
This is the CHS Previous Year Question Paper 2017 for class 9 which is asked in the previous examination of CHS SET. Total 5 subjects are asked in the CHS SET Exam for class 9 that is Hindi, Science, Social Science, Mathematics and English. Here in this CHS Previous Year Question Paper class 9 of 2017 questions from all the subjects are given. 20 questions from each subjects are given as on the basis of examination.
- सव + अधीन’ की सन्धि से शब्द बनेगा:
(1) स्वधीन
(2) स्वाधीन
(3) स्वाधिन
(4) सुवाधीन
2. निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा एक कथन मुंशी प्रेमचन्द के बारे में सही है ?
(1) उन्होंने कामायनी की रचना की है
(2) उनका जन्म लमही नामक ग्रम में हुआ
(3) उन्होंने उपन्यास नहीं लिखे
(4) उन्होंने कहानियाँ नहीं लिखी
3. ‘सलिल’ किस शब्द का पर्यायवाची है ?
(1) बादल क़ा
(2) नदी का
(3) जल का
(4) ताल का.
4. निम्न में से पुल्लिंग है:
(1) आँख
(2) नाक
(3) जीभ
(4) हाथ
5. ‘सूर्योदय’ में कौन-सी सन्धि है ?
(1) दीर्घ सन्धि
(2) गुण सन्धि
(3) यणू सन्धि
(4) वृद्धि सन्धि
6. ‘ड’ का उच्चारण स्थान है :
(1) मूर्खा
(2) तालु
(3) ओष्ठ
(4) दन्तोष्ठ
7. ‘शारीरिक’ शब्द में प्रत्यय है :
(1) क
(2) रिक
(3) इक
(4) ईक
8. ‘पुष्प की अभिलाषा’ कविता किसने लिखी है ?
(1) बालकृष्ण शर्मा ‘नवीन’
(2) माखनलाल चतुर्वेदी
(3) मैथिलीशरण गुप्त
(4) रामधारी सिंह ‘दिनकर’
9. ‘प्रत्यूष’ शब्द का अर्थ है:
(1) नीद
(2) शरीर
(3) प्रातःकाल
(4) कोमल
10. “पानी परात को हाथ छुयो नहिं, नैनन के जल सॉ पग धोए” – इस पंक्ति में कौन-सा अलंकार है ?
(1) यमक
(2) श्लेष
(3) अतिशयोक्ति
(4) उपमा
11. ‘कर-कमल’ में कौन-सा अलंकार है ?
(1) रूपक
(2) उपमा
(3) उत्प्रेक्षा
(4) अनुप्रास
12. “रहिमन पानी राखिये, बिन पानी सब सून । पानी गये न ऊबरे, मानुष, मोती चून ॥” उक्त पंक्तियों में कौन-सा अलंकार है ?
(1) अनुप्रास
(2) यमक
(3) श्लेष
(4) वक्रोक्ति
13. ‘चांदनी’ का पर्यायवाची है :
(1) मयंक
(2) शशांक
(3) चन्द्रहास
(4) कौमुदी
14. निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा एक मात्रिक छंद का प्रकार है ?
(1) चौपाई
(2) सवैया
(3) मनहरण
(4) इनमें से कोई नहीं
15. ‘मन चंगा तो कठौती में गंगा’ एक उदाहरण है :
(1) मुहावरे का
(2) लोकोक्ति का
(3) समास का
(4) अनेकार्थी का
16. ‘छाती पर साँप लोटना’ मुहावरे का अर्थ है:
(1) व्यर्थ विवाद करना
(2) भय से आक्रान्त होना
(3) ईर्ष्या से जल उठना
(4) दुःखी होना
17. ‘जहाँ पहुँचना कठिन हो’ के लिए एक सही शब्द है:
(1) अगम
(2) दुर्गम
(3) सुगम
(4) निर्गम
18. ‘अर्वाचीन’ का विलोम शब्द है:
(1) प्राचीन
(2) नवीन
(3) समकालीन
(4) मध्यकालीन
19. निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा एक अनेकार्थी शब्द है?
(1) पानी
(2) नयन
(3) जलज
(4) कनक
20. ‘ मैंने’ उसे बहुत समझाया किन्तु वह न माना।’ यह किस प्रकार के वाक्य का उदाहरण है ?
(1) सरल वाक्य
(2) मिश्र वाक्य
(3) संयुक्त वाक्य
(4) संकेतार्थक वाक्य
21. Lightning conductors are used to pro tect from the effect of:
(1) Rain
(2) Storm
(3) Lightning
(4) Flood
22. Which of the following planets is nearest to the Sun?
(1) Neptune
(2) Jupiter
(3) Mercury
(4) Pluto
23. In a Braille system there are:
(1) 26 characters
(2) 36 characters
(3) 63 characters
(4) 5 characters
24. A coating of zinc is deposited on iron:
(1) to protect it from corrosion and formation of rust
(2) to make it hard
(3) to make it brittle
(4) to make it drectile
25. Loudness of sound depends on:
(1) Its amplitude
(2) Frequency
(3) Wavelength
(4) None of these
26. In the figure shown, angle of incidence is:
(1) 30°
(2) 60°
(3) 90°
(4) Zero degree
27. Porters place on their heads a round pieceof cloth because :
(1) Pressure on their head is increased by doing so
(2) Pressure on their head is reduced by doing so
(3) They decrease the area of contact of the load with their head
(4) None of these
28. A female has:
(1) Two X chromosomes
(2) One X and one Y chromosome
(3) Two Y chromosomes
(4) None of these
29. Which of the following is not part of female reproductive organ?
(1) Ovaries
(2) Fallopian tubes
(3) Uterus
(4) Sperm duct
30. Fermentation was discovered by :
(1) Louis Pasteur
(2) Alexander Fleming
(3) Edward Jenner
(4) None of these
31. Cell wall is absent in:
(1) Plant cell
(2) Animal cell
(3) Nucleus
(4) None of these
32. Cork cells were first observed by:
(1) Robert Hooke
(2) Flemming
(3) Tyndall
(4) Newton
33. In a candle flame, the outer zone of complete combustion, which is blue is:
(1) Moderately hot
(2) The hottest
(3) The least hot
(4) None of these
34. Which of the following is the least polluting fuel?
(1) Petrol
(2) Diesel
(3) Coal
(4) CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)
35. Which of the following is inexhaustible natural resource?
(1) Coal
(2) Petroleum
(3) Natural gas
(4) Sun light
36. A fertilizer is:
(1) human waste and plant residues
(2) an inorganic salt
(3) which can be prepared in fields
(4) provides a lot of humus to the soil
37. Rusting of iron is due to:
(1) Oxidation
(2) Reduction
(3) Heat-treatment
(4) Metallization
38. Which of the following can be beaten into thin sheets?
(1) Zinc
(2) Phosphorus
(3) Sulphur
(4) Oxygen
39. Which of the following type of waste is non-biodegradable?
(1) Peels of vegetable and fruits
(2) Paper
(3) Cotton cloth
(4) Plastic bags
40. Tuberculosis is caused by microorgan- ism:
(1) Virus
(2) Bacteria
(3) Protozoa
(4) None of these
41. A boat goes some distance in upstream in 6 hours and covers the same distance in downstream in 4 hours. If the speed of stream is 3 Km/hr, then the distance is:
(1) 60 Km
(2) 72 Km
(3) 90 Km
(4) 108 Km
42. A road roller takes 750 complete revolution to more once over to level a road. If the diameter of road roller is 84 cm and length is 1 m, then area of the road is:
(1) 396 m2
(2) 3960 m2
(3) 198 m2
(4) 1980 m2
43. If x+b / a-b = x-b /a+b, then x=
(1) a
(3) b
44. Water is pouring into a cuboidal reservoir at the rate of 60 litres per minute. If the volume of reservoir is 108 cubic meter, then number of hours to fill the reservoir is:
(1) 18
(2) 180
(3) 30
(4) 300
45. The angles of a pentagon are x°, (x+ 20)°, (x+40)° ,(x+60)° and (x+80)°. The smallest angle of the pentagon is:
(1) 85°
(2) 78°
(3) 75°
(4) 68°
46. On dividing 10x4 + 17x3 – 62x2 + 30x – 3 by 2x2 +7x – 1, gives the quotient :
(1) 5x2 – 9x – 3
(2) 5x2 – 9x + 3
(3) 5x2 + 9x + 3
(4) 5x2 + 9x – 3
47. The equation representing the y axis is:
(1) x=0
(2 y=0
(3) x=a
(4) y=a
48. The denominator of a rational number is greater than its numerator by 8. If numerator is increased by 17 and denominator is decreased by 1, the number obtained is 3/2. The rational number is:
(1) 11/19
(2) 17/25
(3) 15/23
(4) 13/21
49. One card is drawn from a well-shuffled deck of 52 cards. Calculate the probability that the card will be an ace:
(1) 1/13
(2) 12/13
(3) 1/4
(4) 3/4
50. The ratio of radii of two cylinders is 2: 3 and the ratio of their height is 5: 3. The ratio of their volumes will be:
(1) 27 : 20
(2) 20 : 27
(3) 9 : 4
(4) 4 : 9
51. The present age of Sahil’s mother is three times the present age of Sahil. After 5 years their ages will add to 66 years. The present age of Sahil is:
(1) 13 years
(2) 14 years
(3) 15 years
(4) 16 years
52. The base of a triangle is four times its height and its area is 50 square meter. The length of the base is:
(1) 5 m
(2) 10 m
(3) 15 m
(4) 20 m
53. To complete a work, A takes 50% more time than B. If together they takes 18 days to complete the work, then B takes the time to do the work is:
(1) 30 days
(2) 35 days
(3) 40 days
(4) 45 days
54. 6 pipes can fill a tank in 1 hour 24 minutes. 7 pipes can fill the same tank in:
(1) 60 minutes
(2) 66 minutes
(3) 72 minutes
(4) 78 minutes
55. a-b=7 and ab = 9, then a2+b2=
(1) 67
(2) 31
(3) 40
(4) 58
56. Which of the following number is not a perfect square?
(1) 961
(2) 1444
(3) 2222
(4) 3136
57. If ( 23x-1+10) ÷ 7 = 6, then x =
(1) -2
(2) 2
(3) 1
(4) 0
58. What should be subtracted from – 2/3 to get 3/4
(1) -11/12
(2) -13/12
(3) -5/4
(4) -17/12
59. The compound interest on ₹4,000 at 10% per annum for 2 years 3 months, compounded annually, will be :
(1) ₹961
(2) ₹916
(3) ₹900
(4) ₹896
60. A shopkeeper sells a book for ₹100, gaining ₹20. His gain percent is:
(1) 20%
(2) 22%
(3) 25%
(4) None of these
Social Science
61. Where the central office the Reserve Bank of India is located?
(1) Kolkata
(3) Mumbai
(2) Chennai
(4) Delhi
62. Who raised the slogan, “Freedom is my birth right and I shall have it.”
(1) Lala Lajpat Rai
(2) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(3) Vipin Chandra Pal
(4) Subhash Chandra Bose
63. Which game is Japan’s National Game?
(1) Shooting
(2) Judo
(3) Football
(4) Basketball
64. Who is a Sarpanch ?
(1) Head of the family
(2) Head Master
(3) Post Master
(4) Head of the Village Panchayat
65. Where is the memorial of Mahatma Gandhi?
(1) Veer Bhumi
(2) Rajghat
(3) Shakti Sthal
(4) Shantivan
66. Which day is celebrated as the World Environment day?
(1) 10th October
(2) 1st March
(3) 5th June
(4)5th September
67. Which city is called the pink city of India?
(1) Jodhpur
(2) Bikaner
(3) Jaipur
(4) Bhilwada
68. Which country has the biggest area?
(1) Russia
(2) China
(3) India
(4) Brazil
69. What is the tenure of Indian President?
(1) 5 years
(2) 3 years
(3) 4 years
(4) 6 years
70. Dadasaheb Phalke award is given in the field of:
(1) Sports
(2) Education
(3) Literature
(4) Cinema
71. What is the currency of Bangladesh?
(1) Dollar
(2) Dinar
(3) Taka
(4) Rubal
72. Which is the brightest planet in our solar system?
(1) Venus
(2) Mercury
(3) Jupiter
(4) Neptune
73. Which Indian State has highest female sex ratio?
(1) Uttar Pradesh
(2) Kerala
(3) Mizoram
(4) Punjab
74. Where is Jim Corbett Wild Life Sanctuary located?
(1) Odisha
(2) Goa
(3) Meghalaya
(4) Uttarakhand
75. The date when United Nations Organization was established:
(1) 20th December
(2) 24th October
(3) 2nd January
(4) 10th August
76. Who was the first Woman Chief Minister of India?
(1) Mayawati
(2) Mamata Banerjee
(3) Jayalalitha
(4) Sucheta Kriplani
77. Who was the founder of Mughal dynasty?
(1) Akbar
(2) Humayun
(3) Babar
(4) Chandragupta
78. Bhakra dam is on which river?
(1) Jhelum
(2) Sutlej
(3) Ravi
(4) Chenab
79. Who is called the Magician of Hockey?
(1) Dhyan Chand
(2) Milkha Singh
(3) Bishan Singh
(4) Kapil Dev
80. When was East India Company established?
(1) 1664
(2) 1600
(3) 1560
(4) 1700
81. Mark the wrongly spelt word:
(1) Luggage
(2) Baggage
(3) Enggage
(4) Savage
82. He is like a snake in the grass for our family. The underlined portion means:
(1) a close friend
(2) a distant relative
(3) a stupid person
(4) a hidden enemy
83. ‘The man was absorbed…….his work’. Use the most suitable preposition from the following:
(1) at
(2) with
(3) in
(4) into
84. Don’t touch this.
The passive voice of the above sentence is:
(1) You should not touch this.
(2) This doesn’t be touched.
(3) This must not be touched.
(4) You don’t touch this.
85. The word ‘landmark’ means the same as:
(1) High place
(2) Marker
(3) Hill top
(4) Land lord
86. Choose the correctly spelt word:
(1) acummulate
(2) exaggerate
(3) arbetrary
(4) sieze
87. What is the verb of the word – HEAP?
(1) Heave
(2) Heap
(3) Heapy
(4) Heape
88. Identify the figure of speech used in the sentence: “He was as brave as a lion.”
(1) Metaphor
(2) Hyperbole
(3) Personification
(4) Simile
89. What is the adjective of the word-EXCEPTION?
(1) Except
(2) Excepsional
(3) Exceptional
(4) Exceptionally
90. Which of the following word is correctly spelt?
(1) Saccharin
(2) Sakarin
(3) Sacharin
(4) Saakrin
91. Fill in the blank to complete the idiom. As you sow, so…………..
(1) You may reap
(2) You may earn
(3) You shall earn
(4) You shall reap
92. Which of the following is an interrogative pronoun?
(1) Who
(2) Some
(3) Each
(4) Her
93. Fill in the blank with suitable phrasal verb.
The computer always…………
(1) Breaks down
(2) Breaks up
(3) Breaks in
(4) Breaks off
94. What is the synonym of the word PROSCRIPTION?
(1) Restriction
(2) Suggestion
(3) Allowance
(4) Premonition
95. Fill in the blank with appropriate verb. Sixteen miles … a long walk
(1) are
(2) is
(3) were
(4) would
96. Which of the following sentence is in present perfect continuous tense?
(1) I am just planning my strategy to play well.
(2) We were facing challenges.
(3) They shall be performing tomorrow by
this time.
(4) We have been rehearsing the play since January, 2017.
97. Which of the following is a declarative sentence?
(1) You are clever.
(2) Are you busy?
(3) Be careful
(4) How clever he is!
98. Fill in the blank with appropriate prepositon.
I have been studying in the school……… the last five years.
(1) since
(2) about
(3) for
(4) around
99. What is the plural of the word KNIFE?
(1) Knive
(2) Knives
(3) Knaves
(4) Knifes
100. Fill in the blank with appropriate article. This is …… unusual problem that the government should fight out.
(1) the
(2) a
(3) an
(4) so
To get more information about CHS SET Examination, you can visit the official website of BHU that is
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Great resource! I’m preparing for the CHS exam and finding these previous year papers incredibly helpful. Thank you for sharing!
Great, thanks for sharing the CHS previous year question paper for class 9! This is really helpful for students like me who are preparing for the exam. Can you please provide more details on how to download the paper and any instructions on how to answer the questions?