CHS Previous Year Question Paper 2019 for class 9 is a previous year question paper of SET (School Entrance test ) Organised by Banaras Hindu University for admission in Central Hindu Boys School or Central Hindu Girls School commonly known as Central Hindu School or CHS-BHU. All the question given in this CHS previous year question paper of 2019 for class 9 is asked in the CHS Entrance exam 2019 for class 9.
CHS Previous Year Question Paper 2019 : Students who are going to appear in CHS Entrance exam 2024 can solve this previous year question paper of class 2019, so that they can do their preparation according to the questions asked in the previous year exams. Question in the CHS Entrance Exam is based on the questions asked in the previous examinations and students can also know about the pattern of questions asked in the Examination of CHS BHU SET Exam. Total 5 subjets are asked in the CHS Entance Examination that are Hindi, English, Mathematics, Science and General Science( including some current affairs).
CHS SET(School Entrance Test) Exam
CHS SET(School Entrance Test) is a entrance exam organised by Banaras Hindu University for admission in Central Hindu Schools in class 6, 9 and 11th. Students who are willing to take admission in Central Hindu Boys School or Central Hindu Girls School then they have to qaulify this SET examination organised in Varanasi. To get appear in this examination students have to apply online from the official website of Banaras Hindu University. CHS Previous Year Question Paper 2019 for class 9 is given below. students can do their preparation according to the questions given in CHS Previous Year Question Paper 2019
CHS Entrance Exam Pattern
- Total Number of Questions
- Type of Questions
- Total Subjects
- Subject wise questions distribution
Also Read : CHS Previous Year Question Paper 2018 Class 9
CHS Previous Year Question Paper 2019 Class 9
CHS Previous Year Question Paper 2019 for class 9 is given here for every subjects asked in the examination.
- अन्तःस्थ व्यंजन है:
(1) क,ख,ध,झ
(2) स,ष,श,ह
(3) ण,म,न,य
(4) य,र,ल,ब
- ‘रामायण’ महाकाव्य की भाषा है:
(1) अवधी
(2) ब्रज
(3) संस्कृत
(4) बघेली
- ‘हम दीवानों की क्या हस्ती, आज यहाँ कह वहां चले।’ इन पंक्तियों के रचयिता कौन हैं ?
(1) सुमित्रा नन्दन पन्त
(2) हरिवंश राय बच्चन
(3) नीरजा माधव
(4) भगवती चरण वर्मा
4. विद्यार्थी में सन्धि है:
(1) गुण
(2) अयादि
(3) दीर्घ
(4) वृद्धि
- ‘अर्थालंकार’ का उदाहरण है:
(1) यमक
(2) उपमा
(4) श्लेष
(3) अनुप्रास
- ‘अन्धे की लाठी’ मुहावरे का अर्थ है:
(1) अन्धे का सहारा
(2) एकमात्र सहारा
(3) अन्धे द्वारा उपयोग किया हुआ डण्डा
(4) सफेद रंग की लाठी
- जिस समास में विभक्ति चिन्हों का लोप कर दिया है जाता, वह समास कहलाता है:
(1) अव्ययी भाव
(2) तत्पुरुष
(3) बहुव्रीहि
(4) कर्मधारय
- ‘पतितों के देश में’ के उपन्यासकार हैं:
(1) भगवतीचरण वर्मा
(2) राहुल
(3) रामधारी सिंह ‘दिनकर’
(4) रामवृक्ष बेनीपुरी
9. ‘जिसके समान कोई अन्य नहीं है’ वाक्य के लिए केवल एक शब्द प्रयोग किया जा सकता है:
(1) सर्वोत्तम
(2) सर्वप्रथम
(3) अद्वितीय
(4) अयोग्य
- ‘मेध’ का पर्यायवाची नहीं है:
(1) जलद
(2) पयोद
(3) पयोधि
(4) पयोधर
11. ‘आदरणीय’ शब्द में प्रत्यय प्रयुक्त हुआ है :
(1) णीय
(2) आदर
(3) आ
(4) अनीय
12. नमस्ते का सही संधि-विच्छेद है :
(1) नम + स्ते
(2) नम् + स्ते
(3) नमः + स्ते
(4) नमः + ते
13. प्रत्येक वर्ग का पहला और दूसरा वर्ण होता है :
(1) अघोष व्यंजन
(2) सघोष व्यंजन
(3) द्वित्व व्यंजन
(4) संयुक्त व्यंजन
14. ‘रघुपति राघव राजा राम’ में प्रयुक्त समास है :
(1) यमक
(2) उत्प्रेक्षा
(3) श्लेष
(4) अनुप्रास
15. ‘राम की गाय बहुत काली है’ वाक्य में ‘बहुत’ है:
(1) विशेषण
(2) विशेष्य
(3) कर्म
(4) प्रविशेषण
16. ‘कठिन काव्य का प्रेत’ किस कवि को कहा जाता है?
(1) मतिराम
(2) केशवदास
(3) सूरदास
(4) चिन्तामणि
17. निम्न में से कौन रचना जयशंकर प्रसाद की नहीं है ?
(1) कामायनी
(2) चंद्रगुप्त
(3) हुंकार
(4) लहर
18. ‘शान्त’ रस का स्थायी भाव है :
(1) वत्सल
(2) निर्वेद
(3) बात्सल्य
(4) संयोग
19. ‘अकबरी लोटा’ कहानी के लेखक हैं:
(1) निर्मल वर्मा
(2) महादेवी वर्मा
(3) रामचन्द्र तिवारी
(4) अन्नपूर्णानन्द वर्मा
20. ‘अभी न होगा मेरा अन्त ।
अभी-अभी ही तो आया है मेरे वन में मृदुल वसंत ।।’
पंक्ति के रचनाकार हैं:
(1) सुमित्रा नन्दन पंत
(2) जयशंकर प्रसाद
(3) सूर्यकान्त त्रिपाठी ‘निराला’
(4) कामता प्रसाद गुरु
21. The faulty function of an endocrine gland can make a person very short or very tall. This gland is:
(1) Thyroid
(2) Pituitary
(3) Adrenal
(4) Pancreas
22. An unborn baby at an early stage of development in uterus until the end of seventh week following conception, remains in form of:
(1) Egg
(2) Foetus
(3) Embryo
(4) Zygote
23. Only present present in plant cells is:
(1) Cell membrane
(2) Cell wall
(3) Mitochondria
(4) Nucleus
24. Ringworm in human is caused by:
(1) Bacteria
(2) Fungi
(3) Nematodes
(4) Viruses
25. A tadpole develops into an aduit frog by the process of:
(1) Fertilization
(2) Embedding
(3) Metamorphosis
(4) Budding
26. Curcuma longa is a source of:
(1) Ginger
(2) Clove
(3) Red pepper
(4) Turmeric
27. The longest cell in the human body is:
(1) Sperm
(2) Ovum
(3) Muscle cell
(4) Nerve cell
28. The water gets heated by the process of:
(1) Radiation
(2) Convection
(3) Conduction
(4) None of these
29. Force acting on a unit area is called:
(1) Acceleration
(2) Momentum
(3) Mass
(4) Pressure
30. Three persons P, Q and R pull on object with equal forces as shown in figure. Identify the direction of motion of the object:
1) In the horizontal direction towards left
(2) In the horizontal direction towards right
(3) In vertically upward direction
(4) The object remains stationary
31. ‘Hertz’ is unit of:
(1) Frequency
(2) Amplitude
(3) Time period
(4) Speed
32. Force of attraction between-molecules of different substances is called:
(1) Cohesive force
(2) Adhesive force
(3) Gravitational force
(4) Electromagnetic force
33. Electroscope is a device:
(1) To test heart beat
(2) To test blood pressure
(3) To detect electric charge
(4) To test electrons
34. The heat required to convert ice into water is called:
(1) Specific heat
(2) Latent heat of vaporization
(3) Latent heat of melting
(4) None of these
35. Which of the following is not a compound?
(1) Caustic Soda
(2) Alum
(3) Silica
(4) Graphite
36. Ore of Iron is:
(1) Bauxite
(2) Dolomite
(3) Calamine
(4) Magnetite
37. The acid containing carbon atom is:
(1) Hydrochloric acid
(2) Formic acid
(3) Nitric acid
(4) Boric acid
38. FeO3+2Al = AL2O3+2Fe
The above reactive is a:
(1) Combination reaction
(2) Double displacement reaction
(3) Decomposition reaction
(4) Displacement reaction
39. Rutherford’s alpha particle scattering experiment eventually led to the conclusion that:
(1) Mass and energy are related
(2) Electrons occoupy space around the nucleus
(3) Neutrons are burried deep in the nucleus
(4) The point of impact with matter can be precisely
40. Which of the following elements is not comoponent of stainless steel?
(1) Iron
(2) Carbon
(3) Zinc
(4) Chromium
Social Science
41. Under which article of Indian constitution ‘Right to life’ exists?
(1) Article 14
(2) Article 15
(3) Article 20
(4) Article 21
42. The concept of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity is associated with:
(1) Russian Revolution
(2) Chinese Revolution
(3) Iranian Revolution
(4) French Revolution
43. Who is called the Father of Indian Green Revolution?
(1) M.S. Swaminathan
(2) Verghese Kurien
(3) C.N.R. Rao
(4) A.PJ. Abdul Kalam
44. How many schedules are there in the consti- tution of India?
(1) 9
(2) 10
(3) 11
(4) 12
45. Which of the following is not a constitutional body?
(1) NITI Ayog
(2) Law Commission
(3) Election Commission
(4) Finance Commission
46. In which year Nepal adopted an interim constitution?
(1) 2005
(2) 2007
(3) 2008
(4) None of these
47. In India who becomes the Chairman of Council of States?
(1) President
(2) Vice-President
(3) Chief Justice
(4) Prime Minister
48. The first Women’s University in India was founded by:
(1) D.K. Karve
(2) Rani Ahilya Devi
(3) J.C. Kumarappa
(4) Mahatma Gandhiji
49. Who gave the Slogan ‘Inquilab Zindabad’ ?
(1) Chandrashekhar Azad
(2) Hasrat Mohani
(3) Subhas Chandra Bose
(4) Lokmanya Tilak
50. With which religion, ‘Bhagwati Sutra’ is associated?
(1) Buddhism
(2) Jainism
(3) Brahmanism
(4) All of the above
51. In which mandala of the ‘Rig Veda’ Gayatri Mantra is written?
(1) First
(2) Second
(3) Third
(4) Fourth
52. In which year ‘Santhal Revolution’ occured?
(1) 1655
(2) 1755
(3) 1855
(4) 195543.
53. ‘Direct Action Day’ was summoned on:
(1) 16 August, 1946
(2) 16 August, 1947
(3) 16 August, 1948
(4) 16 August, 1949
54. The Thinnest layer of the Earth is:
(1) Crust
(2) Mantle
(3) Core
(4) Atmosphere
55. Indian Standard Time is ahead of GMT by:
(1) 4 hrs 30 min
(2) 4 hrs 10 min
(3) 5 hrs 30 min
(4) 4 hrs 50 min
56. The Indian Island situated in Arabian Sea is:
(1) Jawa
(2) Maldives
(3) Andman and Nikobar
(4) Lakshadweep
57. Standard Meridian of India is:
(1) 84°5’E
(2) 84°5′ W
(3) 82°30′ W
(4) 82°30′ E
58. The position of maximun distance between the sun and the earth is known as:
(1) Perihelion
(2) Aphelion
(3). Equinox
(4) Conduction
59. Who got Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2018?
(1) Juan Manual Santos
(2) Denis Mukwege and Nadin Murad
(3) James Allison and Tasuku Honjo
(4) George Smith and Frances Arnold
60. On 26 Ferbuary, 2019 India launched air strike against Pakistan at the place:
(1) Pulwama lime
(2) Anantnag
(3) Kargil
(4) Balakot
61. If the cost of 37 pens and 53 pencils together is 320, while 53 pens and 37 pencils together cost 400. The cost of two pens is:
(1) 6.50
(2) 1.50
(3) 13.00
(4) 15.00
62. The sum of a two digit number and the number formed by interchanging its ditits is 110. If 10 is subtracted from the first number, the new number is 4 more than 5 times the sum of the digits is the first number. The first number is:
(1) 46
(2) 64
(3) 84
(4) 92
63. The denominator of a fraction is 4 more than twice the numerator. When both the numerator and denominator are decreased by 6, then the denominator becomes 12 times the numerator. Then the fraction is:
(1) 7/18
(2) 18/7
(3) 5/14
(4) 9/19
64. Ten years ago, father was twelve times as old as his son and after ten years father will be twice as old as his son. Then the present age of father is:
(1) 34 years
(2) 46 years
(3) 12 years
(4) 18 years
65. A boat covers 32 Km upstream and 36 Km downstream in 7 hours. Also, it covers 40 Km upstream and 48 Km downstream in 9 hours. The speed of the boat in still water is:
(1) 2 km/hr
(2) 10 km/hr
(3) 12. km/hr
(4) None of these
66. On selling a tea-set at 5% loss and a lemon- set at 15% gain, a crockery seller gains a total of 7. If he sells the tea-set at 5% gain and the lemon-set at 10% gain; he gains 13. The actual price of the tea-set is:
(3) 80
(4) ₹100
67. If the perimeter of a semi-circular protractor is 66 cm, the diameter of the protractor is:
(1) 21 cm
(2) 42cm
(3) 14.6cm
(4) None of these
68. A race track is in the form of a ring whose inner circumference is 352 meter and the outer circumference is 396 meter. The width of the track is:
(1) 63 meter
(2) 56 meter
(3) 7 meter
(4) 65 meter
69. A wheel has diameter 84 cm. How many complete revolutions is should take to cover 792 metres.
(1) 100
(2) 200
(3) 300
(4) 400
70. The length of minute hand of a clock is 14 cm.The area swept by the minute hand in one minute is:
(1) 10.26 cm²
(2) 16.8 cm²
(3) 18.33 cm²
(4) 20.52 cm²
71. Three metallic solid cubes whose edge are 3cm, 4 cm and 5 cm, are melted and formed into a single cube. The edge of the cube so formed is:
(1) 6 cm
(2) 216 cm
(3) 12 cm
(4) 9 cm
72. The dimensions of a metallic cuboid are 100cm x 80cm x 64cm, It is melted and recast into a cube. The surface area of the new cube is:
(1) 512000 cm²
(2) 38400 cm²
(3) 6400 cm²
(4) 12800 cm²
73. If 4x – 4x-1= 24 then the value of 2x is:
(1) 32
(2) 5/2
(3) 5
(4) None of these
74. If a + b + c = 15 and a2 + b2+ c2= 83 Then the valueof a²+b²+c²-3abc is:
(1) 71
(2) 180
(3) 2310
(4) 360
75. If a4+ x3 + 8x2 + ax + b is divisible by x2 + 1, then the value of a and b is:
.(1) a = 1, b = 7
(2) a = -1, b = 7
(3) a = 1, b = -7
(4) None of these
76. Solution of:(x + b)/(a – b) = (x – b)/(a + b) is
(1) x = a
(2) x = b
(3) x = – a
(4) x = – b
77. On the graph the line x = – 2 does not pass through the point:
(1) (-2,3)
(2) (- 2, – 2)
(3) (1, – 2)
(4) (-2,0)
78. Find the value of (343)-2/3
(1) 1/7
(2) 1/49
(3) 49
(4) 1/149
79. x + 1/x = 6 then the value of x4 + 1/(x4) is:
(1) 34
(2) 1296
(3) 1154
(4) 2308
80. If a+b=10 and a2 + b2 = 58, then the value of a3 + b3 :
(1) 21
(2) 1360
(3) 370
(4) 360
Fill in the blank with apropriate following word:
81.It is a month since the holidays …………..
(1) began
(2) may begin
(3) have begun
(4) will begin
82. Send me letters ………….. this address.
(1) by
(2) to
(3) in
(4) on
83. …………… my money has been spent, there is nothing left.
(1) Some
(2) Either
(3) Total
(4) All
84. Don’t keep it near the fire, ……………….. it will catchfire.
(1) and
(2) but
(3) or
(4) while
85. I avoid………… to him.
(1) to talk
(2) talked
(3) talking
(4) talk
86. Choose the mis-spelledword:
(1) accomodate
(2) acquaintance
(3) acknowledgement
(4) argument
87. Which of the following spellings is correct?
(1) embarras
(2) embaras
(3) embarass
(4) embarrass
88. Which of the following spellings is correct?
(1) inadvertant
(2) inadvartant
(3) inadvartent
(4) inadvertent
89. Choose the correct sentence:
(1) He went to work despite his illness.
(2) He went to work despite of his illness.
(3) He went to work despite in his illness.
(4) He went for work despite in his illness.
90. Choose the antonym of word ‘Majestic’:
(1) Pathetic
(2) Awesome
(3) Fab
(4) Noble
91. Choose the correct passive voice sentence: ‘Who taught you English’?
(1) English was taught to you by whom?
(2). By whom were you taught English ?
(3) You were taught English by whom?
(4) By whom English was taught to you ?
92. Fill in the blank with appropriate following word. ‘We waited in traffic for a long time for the ……. of the minister’s cars to pass’.
(1) group
(2) convoy
(3) stack
(4) crowd
93. Which one among the given pairs is not an example of homophone?
(1) flour-flower
(2) air-hair
(3) rye-wry
(4) ideal-idol
94. “Will you please water the plants when I am not here? To which part of speech the word “Water” be- longs in the sentence?
(1) Verb
(2) Adjective
(3) Noun
(4) Adverb
95. Choose antonym of the word ‘pleased’.
(1) Impolite
(2) Satisfied
(3) Dissatisfied
(4) Joyous
96. Identify the pronoun type in the given sentence.The dog looked at itself in the mirror’:
(1) Emphatic
(2) Satisfied
(3) Relativex
(4) Possessive
97. The wind wrapped its icy fingers around my body’. This sentence is an example of:
(1) Personification
(2) Metaphor
(3) Hyperbole
(4) Simile
98. How many syllables are there in the word ‘pronunciation’?
(1) two
(2) three
(3) four
(4) five
99. Growing children need proper nourishment. The underlined word in the sentence plays the role of a:
(1) Adverb
(2) Verb
(3) Noun
(4) Adjective
100. Which kind of sentence is the given statement? “Though he is poor, he is honest’.
(1) Compound Sentence
(2) Simple Sentence
(3) Interrogative Sentence
(4) Complex Sentence
CHS Previous Year Question Paper 2019 PDF
You can download the CHS Previous Year Question Paper 2019 pdf from our website according to classes and year. CHS Previous Year Question Paper 2019 is given in this post you can read the whole CHS Previous Year Question Paper 2019 and analyse the pattern of questions asked in the examination.
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