CHS Entrance Exam Syllabus Class 9 : CHS Class 9 Syllabus full details

CHS Entrance Exam Syllabus Class 9 is briefly described in this article. If you are preparing for BHU SET examination 2025 to get admission in Class 9th then this post will gonna help you to prepare for your examination by describing the syllabus of chs entrance exam class 9. You can write this syllabus of chs bhu class 9 for your preparation according to the syllabus. Every year thousands of students apply for admission in CHS Class 9 but not every students get admission in it only few students will make to get admission in CHS according to their performance in SET(School Entrance test) examination.

SET (School Entrance test) is an entrance exam for admission in the schools which is run by Banaras Hindu University. By appearing in SET examination you can get admission in Central Hindu Boys School and Central Hindu Girls School. You can apply for class 6, 9 and 11th for admission in these schools. After qualify entrance examination which is held in Varanasi you have to attend a counselling session in these schools and confirm your admission by paying one year fees of the schools.

CHS Entrance Exam Syllabus Class 9

CHS Entrance Exam class 9 is held for admission in class 9 for Central Hindu Boys School and Central Hindu Girls School in which quetions are asked from class 8th. Here you is CHS Entrance Exam Syllabus Class 9 is described according to subject and topics of every subject which will asked in CHS SET examination.

CHS Class 9 Previous Year Question Papers

CHS Entrance Exam Syllabus Class 9 PDF

CHS Entrance Exam Syllabus for class 9 PDF is given below, you can download from there or you can also see all the syllabus of chs bhu class 9 that is given below according to subjects and topics. After seeing the CHS Class 9 Syllabus you can do your preparations according to topics and chapters mentioned in the syllabus. Click on the link given below to download the CHS Entrance Exam Syllabus Class 9 PDF.

CHS Entrance Exam Syllabus Class 9 in English


CHS Entrance Exam Syllabus Class 9 Science :

Chapter 1: Crop Production and Management

Chapter 2: Microorganisms : Friend and Foe

Chapter 3: Synthetic Fibres and Plastics

Chapter 4: Materials – Metals and Non-Metals

Chapter 5: Coal and Petroleum

Chapter 6: Combustion and Flame

Chapter 7: Conservation of Plants and Animals

Chapter 8: Cell – Structure and Functions

Chapter 9: Reproduction in Animals

Chapter 10: Reaching the Age of Adolescence

Chapter 11: Force and Pressure

Chapter 12: Friction

Chapter 13: Sound

Chapter 14: Chemical Effects of Electric Current

Chapter 15: Some Natural Phenomena

Chapter 16: Light

Chapter 17: Stars and The Solar System

  • Mathematics 

CHS Entrance Exam Syllabus Class 9 Mathematics

Chapter 1: Rational Numbers

Chapter 2: Linear Equations in One Variable

Chapter 3: Understanding Quadrilaterals

Chapter 4: Practical Geometry

Chapter 5: Data Handling

Chapter 6: Squares and Square Roots

Chapter 7: Cubes and Cube Roots

Chapter 8: Comparing Quantities

Chapter 9: Algebraic Expressions and Identities

Chapter 10: Visualising Solid Shapes

Chapter 11: Mensuration

Chapter 12: Exponents and Powers

Chapter 13: Direct and Inverse Proportions

Chapter 14: Factorisation

Chapter 15: Introduction to Graphs

Chapter 16: Playing with Numbers

  • English

CHS Entrance Exam Syllabus Class 9 English

  1. Parts of Speech
  2. Animals and their babies
  3. Singular and plural
  4. Masculine and feminine Gender
  5. Articles
  6. Verb form
  7. Spelling correction
  8. Sentence correction
  9. Sentence
  10. Tense
  11. Opposite words (Antonyms)
  12. Synonyms
  1. One word for many 
  2. Idioms and phrases
  3. Voice
  4. Idioms and phrases
  5. Miss spelled word
  6. Homophones
  • Hindi / हिंदी

CHS Entrance Exam Syllabus Class 9 for Hindi

  1. वर्ण विचार 
  2. संज्ञा
  3. सर्वनाम
  4. विशेषण
  5. क्रिया विशेषण
  6. कारक
  7. अलंकार
  8. रस
  9. व्यंजन का उच्चारण स्थान
  10. वाच्य
  11. शब्द शुद्धिकरण
  12. वाक्य शुद्धिकरण
  13. समास
  14. संधि
  15. पर्यायवाची
  16. अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द
  17. भाषा और लिपि
  18. स्त्रीलिंग और पुल्लिंग
  19. विलोम शब्द
  20. मुहावरे
  21. रचना और रचनाकार
  22. तत्सम और तद्भव शब्द
  23. उपसर्ग और प्रत्यय
  • Social Studies 

CHS Class 9 syllabus for Social Science

In social science questions are asked from following topics :

a. Geography 

b. Political science

c. History

d. Current Affairs

  1. Battles of India 
  2. National (birds,animals,rivers etc. Of India)
  3. Holy books and Authors
  4. Awards and their fields
  5. States and union Territories and their Capitals
  6. Smallest, Largest,longest, Biggest in India and World
  7. First in India 
  8. Country and their Capitals
  9. Country and Currency
  10. National parks of India 
  11. Inventions and discoveries
  12. Full Forms
  13. Language and Script
  14. International Organisations and their Headquarters
  15. Foundeders
  16. Movements
  17. Dams in India 
  18. Nicknames
  19. Dances of States
  20. Soils and Crops
  21. Important Days
  22. Slogans
  23. Arts and Artists
  24. States and Festivals
  25. About Planets
  26. About continents
  • In Current Affairs questions were asked from last one year that means you have to study the current affairs of last one year for chs class 9 entrance examination.

For regular and official updates about chs exam you have to visit their official website that is


CHBS: Class IX –100, XI Maths Stream– 38+50*, XI Biology Stream– 25, XI Arts Stream–
12 and XI Commerce Stream– 12.
CHGS: Class IX – 06, XI Maths Stream– 17, XI Biology Stream – 16, XI Arts Stream – 40
and XI Commerce Stream– 25.

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What is the syllabus of BHU class 9?

There are total 100 mcq type questions are asked in the CHS Entrance Exam in which each carry 3 marks. Questions asked in the CHS Entrance Exam class 9 are based on the syllabus of class 8. Questions are asked from what you have studied in class 8th. Questions are sked from 5 subjects like Hindi, English, Mathematics, Science and Social Science ( Current Affairs + General Knowledge).

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